Two Religions Can They Coexist?

Two religionsHave you asked yourself, “How many so-called- Christian denominations there are in America?” Then add to that what other non-Christian religions there are.  Someone has said that there are over two thousand Christian denominations in America. Wow!  That’s a lot.  I mean, there’s the Lutherans, the Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, the Methodists, then, of course, there’s the Baptists, I mean the BAPTISTS, look out for those “hell-fire and brimstone” Baptists!  And the list goes on and on. But I would like to suggest that in reality, there are only two religions.

Well, that simplifies things, doesn’t it?  But you may ask, “are you sure about that.  I mean, you haven’t even taken in the Hindus, Islam, or the Buddhists?” Yep, I’m sure.

So, what is it that all these religions have in common that I would lump them all together? And what is it that would separate them all from the last one remaining? For those of us who have repented, and trusted Christ as our Savior alone, we should know the answer to those questions.  And it is in that answer we can see the singular reason for evangelism and how to deal with the various religions and denominations that deny the Gospel.

When all is examined, the thousands of denominations and non-Christian religions of the world have one thing in common. They all teach some system of moralism that somehow will please God or the gods.  In every case, these religions are teaching some sort of system of works-based salvation.  The only things that vary are the particular religious traditions and moral values that the hold.  It appeals to man’s pride, simply because it puts him in the driver’s seat where he or she can take personal pride in their own moral achievement (Luke 18:11).  All they need is a spiritual coach in the form of a moralistic teacher, priest, minister or authority. In the end, they rest their “faith,” not in Christ, but their own self-righteousness.

Historical, Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, understands that the sinner is helpless and incapable of saving him or herself.  The sinner stands before a holy and righteous God helpless and doomed, even by their own effort to be otherwise (Isaiah 64:6). Biblical Christianity looks to the only source of truth and revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12), to understand their spiritual bankruptcy, and that salvation is only found in Christ, apart from any kind of self-righteous works or religious traditions or moral rightness (Romans 10:9-13, Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5).  That is the Gospel of grace and all other so-called gospels are under the curse of God (Galatians 1:6-9).

Once we establish that a person is trusting in some sort of moralistic works-based salvation, it really doesn’t matter what its name is.  Nor does it matter what the intricacies of that religion teach either. It is just another variant of man’s prideful attempt to earn that which is impossible to earn and to please by self-righteousness that which will not appease God righteous wrath (John 3:36).

Biblical Christianity is not just another religion. Nor can it coexist with “a works-based religion,” no matter what its name or denomination.

If you are in a church or religion that teaches any kind of works -based salvation, you need to leave it and find a Christian church that exalts Christ and preaches the Gospel of grace apart from works.

-Michael Holtzinger

Some resources:

Christless Christianity
By Michael Horton

Kingdom of the Cults
by Walter Martin (Author), Ravi Zacharias (Editor)

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